Technical Services TechBridges Web Solutions

Technical services refer to a range of services that involve technical expertise and support in various fields. These services are typically provided by professionals who have specialized knowledge and skills in specific technical areas. Technical services can encompass a wide range of industries and sectors, including information technology, engineering, telecommunications, manufacturing, construction, and more.This includes services such as software development, network infrastructure setup and maintenance, cybersecurity, data management and analysis, cloud computing, IT consulting, technical support, and system integration.

Offensive Security Testing

API Security Testing

Secure Configuration Review

Managed VAPT Services

Container Security Assessment

Secure Architecture Review

Red Team Assessment

Threat Modelling

Phishing Assessment

Secure Code Review

Traditional Marketing

Offensive Security Testing(VAPT)

Offensive Security Testing, also known as Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT), is a technical service aimed at assessing and improving the security of computer systems, networks, applications, and infrastructure. VAPT involves actively probing and identifying vulnerabilities in these systems and exploiting them to determine their potential impact on the organization’s security posture.

This involves scanning and assessing systems, networks, and applications to identify known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

API Security Testing

API Security Testing is a type of security testing that focuses on identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) used in software applications. APIs enable different software systems to communicate and interact with each other, allowing data exchange and functionality integration.API security testing aims to ensure that APIs are designed and implemented securely to protect against potential threats and attacks. It involves assessing the security controls, authentication mechanisms, data validation, access controls, encryption, error handling, and other security aspects of the APIs.

Secure Configuration Review

Secure Configuration Review is a process of evaluating and assessing the configuration settings of various systems, applications, and infrastructure components to ensure that they adhere to security best practices and industry standards. The goal of a secure configuration review is to identify any misconfigurations, weaknesses, or vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.

Identify and document all systems, applications, network devices, and infrastructure components that need to be reviewed. This includes servers, workstations, routers, firewalls, databases, and any other relevant systems.

Managed VAPT Services

Managed VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) services refer to outsourcing the process of conducting regular security assessments and testing of an organization’s systems, applications, networks, and infrastructure to a specialized service provider. These services involve a combination of automated vulnerability scanning, manual testing, and ongoing monitoring to identify and address security vulnerabilities and threats.

Regular scanning and assessment of systems, networks, and applications using automated tools to identify known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

Traditional Marketing

Container SecurityAssessment

Container Security Assessment refers to the process of evaluating the security posture of containerized environments, such as Docker or Kubernetes, to identify potential vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and security weaknesses. Containers are lightweight, isolated environments that package applications and their dependencies, making them portable and efficient. However, improper configuration or vulnerabilities within containers can pose security risks.

The managed VAPT service provider generates comprehensive reports that outline identified vulnerabilities, their severity, and recommendations for remediation.

Secure Architecture Review

Secure Architecture Review is a comprehensive evaluation of the design and architecture of a system, application, or network infrastructure with a focus on ensuring robust security measures are incorporated. The purpose of a secure architecture review is to identify potential security vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and gaps in the overall design early in the development or implementation process.

Assessing the overall architecture design to ensure that security controls, mechanisms, and best practices are appropriately implemented.

Red Team Assessment

A Red Team Assessment, also known as a Red Team Exercise or Red Teaming, is a comprehensive security assessment that involves simulating real-world attacks on an organization’s systems, networks, applications, or physical facilities. The primary goal of a Red Team Assessment is to evaluate an organization’s security measures, identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses, and provide actionable recommendations for improving overall security posture.

It’s important to note that Red Team Assessments should be conducted with proper authorization, clear communication, and collaboration with the organization being assessed to ensure the assessment is performed within legal and ethical boundaries.

Threat Modelling

Threat modeling is a structured approach used to identify and analyze potential threats, vulnerabilities, and risks to an application, system, or organization. It helps in understanding and prioritizing the potential threats and guides the design and implementation of security controls to mitigate those threats effectively.

Threat modeling is an iterative process that should be revisited and updated as the system evolves, new threats emerge, or changes are made to the application or environment. It helps organizations proactively identify and address security risks, resulting in more secure systems and reduced potential for successful attacks.

Traditional Marketing

Phishing Assessment

A phishing assessment, also known as a phishing simulation or phishing campaign, is a controlled and planned exercise conducted by organizations to assess the susceptibility of their employees or users to phishing attacks. The goal is to simulate real-world phishing attacks and evaluate the effectiveness of existing security awareness training, policies, and technical controls in detecting and mitigating phishing threats.

Phishing assessments help organizations identify areas for improvement in their security awareness programs, educate employees about phishing risks, and enhance their overall resilience against phishing attacks.

Secure Code Review

Secure code review is a systematic and manual examination of the source code of an application or software component to identify security vulnerabilities and coding errors that could be exploited by attackers. The primary goal of secure code review is to proactively identify and mitigate potential security risks before the application is deployed or released.Define the scope and objectives of the code review. Identify the specific components or modules of the application that will be reviewed. Determine the security standards, coding guidelines, and best practices that the code should conform to.

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