VAPT CodeGuard VAPT Experts

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT). The tests have different strengths and are often combined to achieve a more complete vulnerability analysis.

 Vulnerability assessment tools discover which vulnerabilities are present, but they do not differentiate between flaws that can be exploited to cause damage and those that cannot. Penetration tests attempt to exploit the vulnerabilities in a system to determine whether unauthorized access or other malicious activity is possible which can be a threat for an application. Penetration tests find exploitable flaws and measure the severity of each.

Secure Configuration Review

Cloud Security Assessment

Cloud Configuration Review

Benefits of Cloud Configuration Review

Cloud Security Architecture Review

Traditional Marketing

Secure Configuration Review

To assess the security efficacy of the IT environment, a secure configuration review examines and verifies in detail the configuration settings of systems, network devices, and applications that make up the IT infrastructure.

Typically, the required secure configuration settings may not be applied or may be overlooked while implementing, maintaining, or upgrading computer systems, networks, or network security devices. Therefore, it’s essential to regularly assess the IT environment’s secure setup in order to maintain organization-wide security.

Cloud Security Assessment

Cloud Security Assessments are focused around identifying vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, control gaps in the cloud environment, provide recommendations and help to improve the cloud security posture. Our Technical Assessments for Cloud Security include:
• Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing
• Cloud Configuration Review
• Security Architecture Review

Cloud Configuration Review

The fast rise of cloud computing in recent years has altered worldwide commercial activity by delivering efficient business-supporting technology, but it has also introduced various cloud security concerns and risks. The expanding use of the public cloud, which involves massive amounts of data, is creating new cloud security challenges and vulnerabilities.

Cloud Configuration Review help to identify risks specific to the cloud infrastructure and corresponding applications and processes. It helps organizations assess the effectiveness of controls implemented and remediations required. Such assessments focus on key security elements such as data segmentation, access and authentication, availability, regulatory practices and compliance.

Benefits of Cloud Configuration Review

  • Cloud Configuration Reviews give you an idea as to how effective the deployed cloud application is at using a cloud provider’s controls to ensure security. 
  • Assures the organization that the infrastructure has been properly configured to follow the best practices, compliance, and regulatory standards. 
  • Some of the utilized standards are: 
  • ISO/IEC 27017:2015 
  • ISO/IEC 27018:2019 

Cloud Security ArchitectureReview

Cloud Security Architecture helps the businesses to review and secure the cloud workloads across IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, FaaS cloud offering. Cloud security architecture helps to review the business, implementation and configuration threats that could arise from the implemented cloud services and helps to mitigate the identified threats and helps in strengthening the security. It helps to reduce the attack surface and exposure of the threats at every implemented layer and cloud component. It enables the organizations to implement security monitoring with standardized and centralized logging, automated alerting and notifications, incident response and review capabilities.

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